
The Navihedron, developed by Roy Stringer (Liverpool, UK), is a non-hierarchical information architecture tool allowing intuitive navigation of the network space.

The Navihedron is a geometrical structure permitting visual navigation through clicking and dragging, giving access to a complex network of information in a simple, logical way. In the form of a movable polyhedron, it offers twelve nodes, each one opening to twelve more nodes, and so on. Further navigation around a site is helped by arranging the selected node to link it thematically to five points - the most relevant five next to the one chosen.

A model for the interactive art and education network was developed during Souillac II allowing the network participant or visitor to subjectively approach the information titles presented here for a better understanding of what one Souillac participant called the 'digital culture landscape'. Further development of the navihedron has continued with Nascent Form, a company founded by Roy Stringer just before his untimely death.

The authors of MARCEL wish to honour the memory of Roy Stringer without whom there would be no MARCEL. His devotion, energy, generosity and friendship make him one of the principal founders of the project. Roy died on February 9, 2001. The project will continue with a special dedication to him.