Members in Art Schools
MA Programme for Digital Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria (Venelin Shurelov, Lecturer)
Vancouver, Canada (Dr. Ron Burnett, President)
School of Image Arts, Toronto, Canada (Pierre Tremblay, Professor)
Helsinki, Finland (Philip Dean, Director)
EESI (European School of Visual Art), Poitiers/ANgoulème (Hervé Jolly, Professor
Nancy, France (Samuel Bianchini, Professor)
Cergy/Paris, France (Jacques-Emile Bertrand, Professor)
Nantes, France (Georges-Albert Kisfaludi, Christiane Carlut, Professors)
Atelier Images Mouvement, Le Havre, France (Stéphane Trois Carrés, Head)
National Studio for Contemporary Arts, Tourcoing, France (Alain Fleischer, Director)
Ecole Française Danielle Mitterrand,Sulaymaniyah, Florence Didiot,
Video & Electronic Art Laboratory, Palermo, Italy (Umberto De Paola, Director)
United Kingdom
University of the Arts, London, UK (George Blacklock, Dean of College)
United States
Photography & New Media Department, Kansas City, Missouri, USA (Cyan Meeks, Chair of Education Policy Committee)
Studio for Interrelated Media (SIM), Boston, Mass., USA (Dana Moser, Professor of Media and Peforming Arts)
New Media Program, Department of Art History, Savannah, Georgia, USA (Dr. Timothy Jackson, Dr. Christoph Kluetsch)
New York, NY, USA (Bruce Wands, Head of the MFA Computer Art Programm, Joe Dellinger, Professor)