Jean Gagnon, General Director Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science & Technology Montreal, Canada jgagnon@fondation-langlois.org Corespondent: Joel Chabade, Electronic Music Foundation, Albany, NY, USA joel@emf.org Work toward the design of advanced system architecture and throught processes to enable the creation of (as yet) unimaginable forms and spaces. http://arg.media.mit.edu artecno.ucs.br Collectif bresilien to advanced researches in creation in the IA-interactive Art field with digital technologies by means of multimedia systems, sensoring, neural networks, robotics and communications networks. http://www.ucs.br/ Chiho hoshino Artist devoded to interactive new media :CD-Rom, web and installations. http://solaris.hfg-karlsruhe.de/hfg/ Cicv Listing de projets multimedia cree au cicv. http://www.ars-numerica.net/ Dajuin Yao One of the first chinese web artist. http://www.sinologic.com/yao/ Electronic shadow Multimedia works by Naziha Mestaoui et Yacine Ait Kaci. http://electronicshadow.com Heure exquise ! Centre international pour les arts vidéo http://www.exquise.org/lettredinfo/avril2008/avril2008.htm contact@exquise.org Greyworld Greyworld is a group of artists who work with sound. 'Our work finds expression through the medium of installation, sculpture and multiples. Our work focuses on the integration of sound in public environments, the merging of their work not only with existing architectute but also with everyday situations and fully fonctional surrounding.' http://www.greyworld.org The House of Natural Fiber The house of natural fiber, Yogyakarta, is a New Media art laboratory, founded in 1999. They concentrate on the principles of critique and innovation. Since the beginning, the house of natural fiber has consistently focused on cultural development and New Media art, running numerous New Media art projects and workshops. http://www.natural-fiber.com/about.html Igloo A group of international artists for an evening of modular theatre dropping sequence of digital art, performance, text, film and sound into the same environment. http://www.igloo.org.uk Motherboard Listing of project supported/by motherboard. http://www.notam.uio.no/motherboard/2.html Paul Johnson Detailed documentation of the work of this artist, specialized in making things that deliver images. http://www.pauljohnson.com Riverbed Samples of works based on computer graphics for visual accompaniment of dances by Paul Kaiser, Shelley Eshkar. http://www.riverbed.com Stelarc Stelac web site displaying his differnts works. http://www.stelarc.va.com.au Democracy, the last compaign Democracy, the last campaign is a yearlong multimediiia project focusing on the 2000 presidential elections. http://www.walkerart.org/gallery9/dtlc/ Troika ranch Troika ranch (mark Coniglio and Dawn Stoppiello)Troika ranch have been creating dynamic live performances that combine dance, music, theater and interactive digital media. http://www.troikaranch.org Tunnel This site is part of an interactive artwork in the new town of Leidschenveen. An electronic display in a real tunnel pulsing with words supplied by people from the internet. http://culturebase.org/home/struppek/HomepageEnglisch/Projekte/Tunnel_Journal/TunnelJournal.htm VideoArtWorld VideoArtWorld aims at promoting art in the form of video, allowing it to gain the importance and respect that photography, prints, and paintings have commonly been regarded within the art world. In this regard, VideoArtWorld provides a great help to the upcoming wave of collectors interested in this strong means of expression, inside a clear, solid and extremely attractive market. http://www.videoartworld.com/beta/home.php Walker's pages Multimedia video art with live computer animations, where the computer is the control center. It analyses music in real time and transforms it into animations. http://www.mediasculp.com WGBH Open Vault An archives of early experimental television produced by the Boston Public Television station including work by early video artists including Nam June Paik and Bill Viola. http://openvault.wgbh.org/subject/arts |