Private ResourcesManager:
MARCEL does not yet have a manager for this category. Anyone interested in taking on this work should contact Don Foresta at the address listed under Contact. Concernant les textes mis à disposition, il y en a de trois sortes : articles et essais de Eduardo Kac, ses projets éditoriaux et les articles et essais sur son travail. http://www.ekac.org/ Leonardo I N D E X of Leonardo's site a n d S E A R C H / O n t h i s s i t e : What's New / Gallery / Leonardo Music Journal web site / Special Projects/Topics / Art and Biology / Art and War / Art Education (Planetary Collegium) / Artificial Life / Leonardo Bibliography Project / Artist-Run Businesses Project / Brazilian Electronic Arts / Intellectual Property Issues and the Arts / Innovative Artists Project / Leonardo Digital Reviews / Pioneers and Pathbreakers Project / Space Art / Synesthesia and Intersenses / Virtual Africa / Women, Art and Technology / Words on Works (Artists' Writings) http://mitpress.mit.edu/e-journals/Leonardo/leoindex.html Le centre de recherche et de documentation de la Fondation Daniel Langlois Accés à ses ressources en lignes: http://www.fondation-langlois.org/flash/e/index.php?Url=CRD/search.xml |